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De' Xandra HQ

Semenyih, Selangor


About De' Xandra

De’ Xandra HQ are Malaysia’s top perfume producer and have garnered several awards for the stellar quality of our products. With over 19,000 registered resellers nationwide, we have become a household name and the perfume of choice for many Malaysians.

In 2015, the founder of De’Xandra, Ernayanee Nur Binti Julaimi decided it was high time for her to create her own fragrance line after several years of doing business. The high demand for high-quality inspired perfumes allowed De’Xandra to penetrate the Malaysian market successfully and within one year of launching their fragrances, achieved RM7 million in sales!

De’Xandra continues to rise as Malaysia’s Top Fragrance by employing intelligent marketing strategies to gain a widespread audience in Malaysia. One such strategy is making celebrities, Nabil Raja Lawak and his wife Zira, their brand ambassadors. They went all out in their branding campaign in 2016 and closed the year with a bang by earning RM50 million in revenue.

Their phenomenal success in 2016 made them more established and has allowed them to grow their company, which is headed by Ernayanee and her husband. De’Xandra continues to evolve by focusing on educating their resellers with intensive product and marketing trainings. Their rapid growth is further enhanced by their products’ brand new look and partnership with AirAsia that was launched in October & November 2017 respectively.
