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LED Wall for XR Stage and Virtual Production.


LED Screen for XR Stage and Virtual Production.

LED Screen For Virtual Production

Green screen and blue screen are widely used in various film and TV commercial productions for years. However, there are some limitations involved. It is extremely hard for actors, directors and crews to work with the green screen sometime. They are forced to pretend like something is actually there, but in reality, there is nothing.

Virtual production uses various devices and software to mix computer graphics and live action footage in real time. Rendered 3D environment can be displayed on the LED screen or the LED backdrop. Informed decisions can be made quickly. Visual effects are now applied during the pre-production and production stages. Say goodbye to the traditional green screen and the costly location shooting.

LED Screen for Virtual Production

Benefits of XR LED Screen

Visible Environment

An immersive production environment where actors can interact with the visible scene.

Realistic Lighting

More accurate reflections, shadows and highlights on actors and shooting props.

Cost Effective

Greatly reduce the cost and time involved in both location shooting and post production.

Time Management

Rendered background reduces time constraint. Sunset scene can take place regardless of the real time.

XR LED Wall for Film Production

Filmmaking & TV Production

Designed for simplicity and good first time user experiences. Smartboard solution is easy to use and anyone can learn it intuitively with minimum technical support.

XR LED Wall for Commercial Production

Commercial Production

Interactive Smartboard Solution supports wireless screen mirroring up to 4 devices at the same time. Share and communicate your idea by connecting devices such as smartphone, laptop, tablet and computer.

XR LED Wall for Broadcast Studio

Broadcast Studio

Smartboard supports better video conferencing by working together with webcams and various video conference applications such as Zoom and Google Meet. 

XR LED Wall for Film Production

Filmmaking & TV Production

Create an immersive production environment by combining both virtual world and the production set. Utilizing latest technology and high-brightness LED walls, flexibility is enhanced greatly and directors can create captivating stories easily.

Commercial Production

Replacing traditional green screen with the XR LED Wall helps advertisers and directors to deliver creative contents to their audiences.

XR LED Wall for Commercial Production
XR LED Wall for Broadcast Studio

Broadcast Studio

Background content can be switched instantly at any time, making XR LED Wall one of the most suitable production tools to be used in various live TV broadcasts.

Types of XR LED Wall

XR LED Walls are customizable. Various installations and setups to meet your unique requirements, such as curve LED wall, corner LED wall and ceiling LED.

XR LED Screen

What is XR?

Extended Reality (XR) is a term used to describe the technology where Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR) and Mixed Reality (MR) are combined to create a fully immersive experience. The XR technology blends both virtual and real world togethers, and it brings many advantages to various film and video productions.

Workflow of XR Virtual Production

LED Wall is the heart of the XR stage. The LED wall helps to ensure great image quality with wider color range and high brightness. Other important components include camera tracking system, controller, graphic engine, rendering server and virtual production pipeline.

Recommended Products

ModelBIG Indoor – Fine Pitch
Pixel PitchP1.8 (1.8mm)
Module Size320mm x 160mm
Brightness600 – 800nits
Refresh Rate> 2,880Hz
ModelBIG Indoor
Pixel PitchP2 (2.0mm)
Module Size320mm x 160mm
Brightness800 – 1,200nits
Refresh Rate1,920Hz ~ 3,840Hz
ModelBIG Indoor
Pixel PitchP2.5 (2.5mm)
Module Size320mm x 160mm
Brightness800 – 1,200nits
Refresh Rate1,920Hz ~ 3,840Hz

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