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Make every meeting size matters.

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Conference Solutions

Make every meeting size matters.

Conference Solution


Make every meeting size matters.

Conference System

Designed for ease-of-use and productive meetings, we provide ideal conference solution and video conference system for your various meeting venues such as courtroom, meeting room and business center.

As a professional conference solution provider, we understand our customer needs and the importance of outstanding and reliable products.
Conference System

Exceptional Conference System

The world is changing at an incredible pace over the past few years. Customer needs for standalone solution decline progressively as customers are moving to integrated solutions.

We provide conference solutions that suit your needs, in terms of flexibilities, capabilities, security and cost.

Application Scenarios

Conference Solution - Video Conference -Meeting

Meeting Room

Town Hall

Business Center

Conference Solution - Video Conference - Summit

Large Conference Event

CCS 1000 D Digital Discussion System

Microphone & Loudspeaker Performance

We provide conference systems that come with superior loudspeaker and microphone performance. These systems can deliver excellent speech quality, and thus increase participant engagement.

CCS 1000 D Digital Discussion System
Conference Solution - Plug and Play

Easy to Install, Easy to Use

For small-to-medium conference meetings, we provide conference solutions that can be installed and setup without any hassle. Some conference solutions can even simplify mobility. Designed for quick plug-and-play installation, you can have a conference at any time and any place.

Easy Management & Configuration

Chairman can manage the entire video conference on his or her mobile device, laptop or tablet via the software or the browser interface provided. Conference and microphone settings can also be configured easily.

Conference Solution - Security

Secure Operation

Advanced conference solutions are capable of protecting your highly-sensitive meeting against tampering and unauthorized access.

Benefits of Conference Solutions

Reduce Travel Time & Cost

Conference System - Reduce travel

Conference solution enables remote meeting. Hence, it reduces travel time and cost. Time and cost saved can be used else where in a productive way.

Enable Fast Decision Making

Conference Solution - Decision Making

Virtual conference brings executives from different locations or countries together. Decision can be made quickly during the video conference. 

Improve Employee Relations

Conference System

Conference solution brings remote workers together. Within conference rooms of different offices, employees can get to know each other without having any face-to-face meetings.

Increase Productivity

Conference System Productivity

Your business productivity can definitely be improved with the aid of the conference solution, when you have happy employees, quick decision making and less time spent in business travel.


BOSCH Product Lineup

CCS 1000 D Digital Discussion System
CCS 1000 D Digital Discussion System
Conference Solution - DICENTIS Conference
DICENTIS Conference System
DICENTIS Wireless Conference System
DICENTIS Wireless Conference System
DCN Conference System
DCN Conference System
INTEGRUS Language Distribution System
INTEGRUS Language Distribution System

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