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Under Armour KLCC


Suria KLCC, Kuala Lumpur

About LED Screen & Digital Signage

To drive in-store engagement, it is important for any store to provide an unforgettable retail experience. Our client has made a great decision in installing a large P3 LED Screen and 8 units of LG Digital Signage 55″ at Under Armour KLCC.

The large LED screen has an enormous screen size of 8.256m x 2.112m. Such a large digital display is very good in attracting attention and thus inviting walk-in traffic.

Besides, the digital signages on top of the product shelves are effective in helping customers to understand the products even more.

About Under Armour

Hardwork, grit, and the will to find a way have always been some of the most told stories by Under Armour.

Under Armour provides various performance solutions to make customers better. Some of the products offered are athletic shirts, sports accessories and shoes. 

Everyone is connected at Under Armour. Celebrate the wins and stand for equality.
