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7 Interesting Facts About Transparent LED Screen

In just over a decade, LED screen displays have gone from a luxury viewing experience to an accessible advertising and consumer need. The introduction of LED screen display gives huge blows to the traditional printing industry and the LCD display product market. Since then, LED screen displays have replaced our LCD displays and screen projectors.

As technology advances, it is possible to manufacture to a wide variety of LED screen displays such as Mini LED Screen,
Micro LED screen and transparent LED screen. 

Transparent LED screen is one of the hottest trends nowadays. A dynamic concept of architecture is made possible due to the transparent LED screen. It is one of the most innovative ways to beautify our city. 

The unique LED screen display has some cool features and stories to tell. 
Here are the 7 interesting facts about transparent LED screen.

See Through Display - Facts of Transparent LED Screen

1. Transparent LED screen is known as a see-through screen.

Transparent is an adjective used to describe an object or a material which allows light to pass through. When light can pass through, any object that is located behind of the transparent object can be seen clearly.

Transparent LED screen is an LED screen display that breaks from tradition to ignite innovation in the traditional LED screen industry. Transparent LED screen looks like a crystal-clear glass display. It can display visual on the screen panel while allowing viewers to see what lies behind the screen too. 

Big Glass LED. Transparent LED screen.

2. Transparency ratio can go up to 90%.

Transparency ratio is used to measure the degree of light transmission. An object with a transparency ratio of 100% is a transparent object that allows light to pass through completely.

At current stage, transparent LED display can never reach a transparency ratio of 100%. However, it has no issue in reaching a transparency ratio of 65% to 90%! 

When comparison is made, window glass has a transparency ratio of around 83% to 90%. Therefore, a transparent LED screen with a high transparency ratio of more than 80% is impressive. 

Higher transparency ratio means lower visual obstruction. And lower visual obstruction means a better viewing experience.

3. Light-weighted and easy installation.

There are a few options in choosing the right transparent LED display product for your application. Most transparent LED screens offer light-weighted and customizable designs. 

Media architectural refers to architectural installations where light displays are integrated into building structures. Many years ago, advertisers had realized the potential of high-rise buildings in
outdoor advertising

Years before the introduction of transparent LED screen, we had been using all sorts of technologies such as projection, LED lamp and outdoor LED screen. However, these old technologies have some limitations. They allow only simple visual performance and may affect the overall appearance of the building. 

For example, outdoor LED screen is a great alternative to LED lamp and projection due to its higher resolution. It can give a clearer visual effect, but the installation is expensive as the giant LED screen needs additional steel frames to install. Besides, the screen can look like a big black wall when it is not showing any visual. It will affect the aesthetic appeal of the building.

There are a few transparent LED screen products such as LED glass, LED curtain and LED mesh. LED glass and LED curtain do not need additional support from steel-frame structures. They require only light-weighted aluminium back casing frames. 

On the other hand, LED mesh offers ultra-light design. It reduces the need of bulky support structure. The flexible installation protects the look of the building without making any compromise in the visual performance.

4. LED brightness is adjustable.

Traditional outdoor LED screen displays have very high brightness. The brightness can reach more than 6,000 nits to ensure a crucial visual experience during daytime, especially in Malaysia. 

A bright LED screen is important during daytime, but it can cause eye discomfort and light pollution at night. Light pollution can affect the aesthetic of night cities. It does not help in beautifying the cities. Worse comes to worst, high brightness can cause road accidents and other unfortunate events.

Transparent LED screen can have adjustable brightness. Its brightness can be adjusted as per its applications. You can have high brightness during daytime and softer brightness at night. You can have brightness up to 8,000 nits for outdoor display and brightness as low as 1,500 nits for indoor display.

Big Mesh LED Applications

5. Maintenance is quick and safe.

Due to the light-weighted design and easy installation, some transparent LED screen displays do not need to be installed directly on the external walls or glass walls. 

Instead, they are installed behind the glass wall or indoors.  The behind-the-glass installation is not waterproof, but it offers easier maintenance. Maintenance can be carried out behind the glass and it reduces safety risk due to outdoor maintenance. 

6. Transparent LED display is energy efficient.

Global energy consumption is still rising. The need for environmental protection is increasing greatly for the past few years. 

LED display manufacturers have been introducing energy efficient products actively. Transparent LED display has a greater advantage in energy efficiency when compared to other LED displays.

When transparent LED screen is displaying visual, not all LEDs are giving off light at the same time, especially for the darker parts of the visual displayed. 

When LEDs are not illuminated, there will be no heat emission. It can help to reduce power consumption up to 30%. Ultimately, transparent LED screen displays appear more environmental-friendly than most common LED screen displays.

Big Mesh LED Content

7. Transparent LED display can be adopted for a wide range of applications.

Since transparent LED screens are light-weighted and do not affect the original appearance of the buildings, business owners or advertisers are free to customize the screens as per their applications.

Transparent LED screens can be used for outdoor applications such as outdoor billboard, building glass wall, high-rise glass wall, and shop lots’ glass windows. 

Besides, the displays can also be used for indoor applications. The displays can be found in shopping malls, showrooms, airports, and entertainment venues.


The transparent LED screen display has numerous possibilities in outdoor advertising, visual performance, and architectural design. It has wide market prospect and has a very bright future. We believe the transparent LED screen display has unlimited potentials in the future.